Home / Elections / Election Security
This website is intended for use by a registered voter to determine his or her voter registration and voting status. It is unlawful to knowingly alter another person's voter registration information or attempt, assist with, or otherwise commit fraud in connection with the right to vote. See FL Stat 104.011, 104.041 and 104.41.
The Florida Division of Elections checks each voter registration application to verify the applicant's identity. It works with state and federal agencies to identify deceased voters, felons, and non-US citizens ineligible to vote.
Voters show a photo and signature identification to vote.
We update voter records electronically to record when a voter has requested a mail ballot or voted. If someone comes to vote in person, we immediately cancel their mail ballot. And vice versa.
Voters can vote a provisional ballot if there is a question about their eligibility. The canvassing board reviews all provisional ballots to determine eligibility.
We test all state-certified tabulation equipment before each election to make sure votes are being counted correctly. In addition, we hold a logic and accuracy test that is open to the public. During this test, we place pre-marked ballots in randomly selected tabulation equipment to verify the accuracy.
Our ballots and equipment are under 24-hour camera surveillance and stored in areas with restricted key card access until they are deployed for voting. During voting, our ballot scanners are kept in plain sight, secured with seals to prohibit tampering.
Our voter registration system is not connected to our tabulation system. We use a stand-along server not connected to the Internet to tabulate and report results.
Electronic results from each ballot scanner are encrypted and backed up by paper results tapes. One set of these tapes is posted on the door of each polling place. A second set is driven to our Elections Office, where we double-check our initial results against these paper tapes.
We vote on hand-marked, paper ballots that are held for 22 months and can be re-scanned if there is a problem with the equipment or question about results.
Nassau County conducts an electronic post-election audit. We audit 100% of our ballots by digitally scanning the paper ballots a second time through an independent system. We then compare the election night results against the audit to verify our results.
James S. Page Governmental Complex
96135 Nassau Place, Suite 3
Yulee, FL 32097
Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday
Phone: 904-491-7500
Toll Free: 1-866-260-4301
Fax: 904-432-1400
Email: [email protected]
Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
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